Hello! This is my personal bunker, where i'll put some personal thoughts and projects in and maybe some cool stuff aswell!
Sadly my past self is as right as my present self is about my own lazyness. With that said! I'll try to maintain this site and keep it updated somewhat.But don't worry, broken sites fan, you'll surely find some janky stuff along the way, it's part of the experience! i've never done a site before so expect some badly styled stuff (Poor bunker needs proper maintenance :P)Hope you'll enjoy my crude but comfy place!
i was thinking of making a comment system or smth aswell but i still gotta learn how all this works ^^;
The about me page: the one you're in right now (probably gonna change it a bit in the future dw :P)
My personal Blog: the collection of thoughts i feel like i wanna share
The Art Collection: pretty self explanatory, although i might share some drawings of other peeps (with their permission of course)
Concepts the place where i share my ideas and projects
This blog is quite personal and it shouldn't hurt or offend anyone, but if it does please don't think about it too much:my appreciation for you is stronger. c(^v^c)